Starting CuriosOT: Reviews of Pediatric OT Research

pediatric ot research
Photo by WanderLabs on Unsplash

In my sixth year working as a pediatric OT, I had the idea to start a blog/social media accounts in which I could present reviews of pediatric occupational therapy research. My goal was to make it more accessible for busy practitioners. I didn’t know when I would start this project, but as fate would have it…

I was planning to get married in May 2020 and move to Chile to be with my fiance. In March 2020, when flights from Europe had been banned from entering the US, I wasn’t yet concerned about our wedding moving forward. (This statement reflects growth for me as I am very much a type A planner by nature).

Fast forward a week or so, and here we were with Coronavirus starting to really gear up. Schools and clinics closed, social distancing was implemented and the nation began a collective journey into a very unknown territory.

I lost my job in an outpatient clinic and schools, and I realized this was the perfect time to get things running. We’ve moved our wedding to the fall, so I’m seeing the silver lining of a few more months to be with my family before moving to my new America (South, that is…). This is an unforeseen chance to put my creative energies to use with starting the blog. The posts will be reviews of pediatric OT research articles. My hope is that the format makes them less intimidating and more entertaining to read while getting the stats and information you need to contribute to your clinical reasoning.

I appreciate your visiting my page and I hope that with your input and my creative energy, this site can become a valuable tool for your OT practice.

Check out my first technical post to get started.